What Is LTP In Zerodha?

Are you curious to know what is LTP in zerodha? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about LTP in zerodha in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is LTP in zerodha?

If you are a trader or investor, you may have come across the term LTP while trading on Zerodha’s platform. LTP is an important parameter in trading that you should be familiar with. In this blog post, we will explore what LTP is, how it works, and how you can use it to your advantage when trading on Zerodha.

What Is LTP In Zerodha?

LTP stands for Last Traded Price. It is the price at which the last trade was executed on a particular stock or security. In other words, LTP is the price at which the buyer and the seller agreed to trade the stock or security. The LTP is a dynamic parameter that changes frequently during market hours, depending on the demand and supply of the stock or security.

How Does LTP Work?

LTP is calculated based on the last trade that was executed on a particular stock or security. For example, if the last trade executed on a stock was at Rs. 100, then the LTP of that stock would be Rs. 100. If another trade is executed at Rs. 105, then the LTP would change to Rs. 105. The LTP of a stock is an important parameter that traders use to analyze the market sentiment of a particular stock.

How Can You Use LTP To Your Advantage When Trading On Zerodha?

LTP is a useful parameter that can help you make informed trading decisions on Zerodha’s platform. Here are some ways you can use LTP to your advantage:

  • Determine the market sentiment: By looking at the LTP, you can get an idea of the market sentiment of a particular stock or security. If the LTP is increasing, it indicates that the demand for the stock is high, and vice versa.
  • Place orders based on LTP: You can place orders to buy or sell a stock or security based on the LTP. For example, if the LTP of a stock is Rs. 100, you can place an order to buy the stock at Rs. 105, hoping that the price will increase in the future.
  • Use LTP to set stop-loss orders: You can use LTP to set stop-loss orders to limit your losses. For example, if you have bought a stock at Rs. 100, you can set a stop-loss order at Rs. 95, so that if the LTP falls below Rs. 95, your order will be executed automatically, limiting your losses.


LTP is an important parameter that traders and investors use to analyze the market sentiment of a particular stock or security. It is a dynamic parameter that changes frequently during market hours, depending on the demand and supply of the stock or security. By using LTP to your advantage, you can make informed trading decisions and limit your losses in case of unfavorable market conditions. Zerodha’s platform provides real-time LTP data, which you can use to make informed trading decisions. By understanding LTP and its significance in trading, you can become a more successful trader on Zerodha’s platform.


How Is LTP Calculated?

How is LTP Calculated? One does not need to manually calculate the last traded price as it is usually available on the trading screen against the concerned stock. Simply put, a last traded price is the price at which the buy and sell order was executed most recently.

What Are LTP And P&L?

The day’s P&L is computed for the holdings based on the difference from the previous day’s close and the Last Traded Price (LTP). This tells how the holdings have fared since the previous close.

What Is 5 LTP In Zerodha?

LTP in Zerodha is the last traded price of the stock at which the last transaction got executed on the exchange. LTP indicates the price at which the security is trading. It helps the investors predict stock price movement and thus helps quote relevant prices for their buy/sell orders.

What Is The Difference Between LTP And Market Price?

The reason for the difference between the closing price on the NSE and the last traded price (LTP) is that the LTP represents the actual last traded price, while the NSE’s closing price is calculated as a weighted average of the last 30 minutes of trading.


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