What Is Volhard Method?

Are you curious to know what is volhard method? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about volhard method in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is volhard method?

When it comes to understanding the behavior and temperament of dogs, various methods and assessments have been developed to evaluate their traits. One widely recognized and respected approach is the Volhard Method. Created by renowned trainers Jack and Wendy Volhard, this temperament testing method provides valuable insights into a dog’s personality, suitability for specific roles, and potential training requirements. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the Volhard Method, its significance in canine temperament assessment, and how it aids in promoting responsible dog ownership.

What Is Volhard Method?

The Volhard Method is a structured temperament testing system designed to assess a dog’s behavior and temperament. It consists of a series of exercises and evaluations that measure various aspects of a dog’s character, including social behavior, confidence, reaction to stimuli, dominance, and submission. The method is primarily used to evaluate puppies and young dogs, although it can be applied to dogs of any age.

Key Components Of The Volhard Method

  1. Social Attraction: This test measures the dog’s interest in people and their ability to approach strangers willingly. It assesses the dog’s sociability and friendliness.
  2. Following: The dog is evaluated on its willingness to follow a person and walk on a loose leash. This exercise provides insights into the dog’s obedience and ease of handling.
  3. Restraint: The evaluator gently restrains the dog by cradling it on its back for 30 seconds. The dog’s response is observed to assess its submission and acceptance of being handled.
  4. Social Dominance: This test evaluates the dog’s dominance and acceptance of authority. The dog is gently rolled onto its side and held in position for 30 seconds to gauge its reaction.
  5. Elevation Dominance: The evaluator lifts the dog off the ground by its paws, keeping it suspended for a short period. This exercise assesses the dog’s reaction to being off the ground and its acceptance of vulnerability.
  6. Retrieving: The dog’s willingness to retrieve a small object is evaluated. This exercise measures the dog’s play drive and cooperation.
  7. Touch Sensitivity: The evaluator applies gentle pressure on different parts of the dog’s body to assess its response to touch and sensitivity.
  8. Sound Sensitivity: The dog’s reaction to auditory stimuli, such as clapping or a loud noise, is observed to evaluate its sound sensitivity and resilience.

Interpreting The Results

Each exercise is scored based on the dog’s response, and the scores are tallied to provide an overall assessment of the dog’s temperament. The results help potential owners, breeders, and trainers understand the dog’s characteristics, strengths, and areas that may require additional training or socialization. The Volhard Method does not provide a pass or fail outcome but serves as a tool to evaluate and understand a dog’s behavior.

Significance Of The Volhard Method

  1. Responsible Dog Ownership: The Volhard Method aids in responsible dog ownership by providing a comprehensive assessment of a dog’s temperament. It assists potential owners in selecting a dog that matches their lifestyle, environment, and expectations.
  2. Role Suitability: The method helps identify dogs with temperamental traits suitable for specific roles, such as therapy dogs, service dogs, or working dogs. This ensures that dogs are selected for roles where their inherent traits and abilities are best utilized.
  3. Training Guidance: By understanding a dog’s temperament through the Volhard Method, trainers can tailor their training methods and approaches to suit the individual needs of the dog. It assists in identifying areas where additional training, socialization, or behavior modification may be required.


The Volhard Method offers a structured and reliable approach to assessing a dog’s temperament, providing valuable insights into their behavior and character. By evaluating various aspects of a dog’s temperament, the method assists in promoting responsible dog ownership, selecting suitable dogs for specific roles, and guiding training efforts effectively. As a respected and widely recognized temperament testing method, the Volhard Method contributes to the overall understanding and betterment of canine behavior and enhances the bond between dogs and their owners.


Why Is Volhard’s Method Used?

Volhard’s method is used if the pH of the solution in the conical flask is acidic. If the solution is neutral or basic, Mohr’s method should be used.

What Is Volhard Vs Mohr Method?

  1. In the Mohr method, potassium chromate is used as an indicator while in the Volhard method, ferric ammonium sulfate is used as an indicator. 2. In the Mohr method, a red precipitate of silver chromate forms at the end point while in the Volhard method, red soluble ferric thiocyanate forms at the end point.

What Are Fajans And Volhard Methods Of Titration?

Fajan’s method

This method uses the reaction between the precipitate formed and indicator. The indicator used is dichlorofluorescein which acts as an anion in solution. In chloride solution, due to excess chloride ions, they form the primary layer of the precipitate. The second layer is formed by the cations of sodium.

What Is Modified Volhard Method With Example?

Chloride analysis requires a slight modification to the Volhard method. As a result of Titration, the solution comes into contact with two precipitation stimuli simultaneously, silver chloride and ammonium thiocyanate, both of which are inherently insoluble.


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Volhard Method Procedure

Modified Volhard Method

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What Is Volhard Method