The Best Industrial Pipe Cutting Machine to Choose

 The pipe cutter is one of the most common machines used in industrial manufacturing. The various professionals who utilize this equipment to cut metals and plastics include plumbers, home builders, and HVAC installers.

While a hacksaw is one of the most fundamental equipment for cutting pipes, there are alternative machines that can complete the task more quickly and precisely. Here’s a closer look into cutting machines for different industrial applications to assist you in making the best decision.

Cold versus Hot Cutting

Hot cutting and cold cutting are the two methods used to cut pipes. Cold cutting is performed without the use of heat and is typically propelled by air or hydraulic machinery.

Hot cutting uses a thermal torch that is powered by an electric motor. A new type of cold cutting is water jet metal cutting, whereas plasma cutting, which uses gases to cut through raw materials, is a type of hot cutting.

Due to the high-pressure water used in cold cuts, materials can be sliced more quickly. Because there is less room for pressurized water to flow during cold cuts, more precision and control are possible.

Due to the fact that hot cutting can only be used on materials that can endure high temperatures, it is also a practical alternative for cutting a larger range of materials. For welding preparation and other industrial purposes, both hot and cold techniques can be employed.

Cutting Applications in Industry

Eliminating unused pipework or tubing is a major justification for pipe cutting machine. Here are just a few of the numerous additional uses for cutting equipment:

Ship construction, factory remodeling, manufacturing for the automobile industry, metal fabrication, installing or repairing HVAC systems on rooftops

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A laser cutter

Because it provides accuracy, high quality, and dependability, laser cutting is now among the most extensively utilized procedures in manufacturing. These devices have the ability to cut a variety of metals, including steel, brass, and copper, as well as silicon, ceramics, and gemstones.

Modern techniques that aren’t available from traditional tools have been introduced by this technology. These innovative methods include the control of the laser beam, melting a surface layer to reveal a laser marking, and laser drilling, which makes holes or dents in the material.

For particular projects, various types of laser cutters can be employed. Although it can also cut metal, a gas laser cutter is best for cutting non-metals. Solid state technology is used by crystal laser cutters, which are useful for cutting non-metals and metals at high power.

The same business, Bell Labs, invented both gas and crystal laser cutters in 1964. Crystal laser cutters are frequently used by physicians and dentists. However, compared to other laser cutters, these devices are more expensive and have a shorter lifespan.

The fact that fiber laser cutters use solid state technology, can cut both metal and non-metal materials, and have a similar wavelength as crystal laser cutters makes them comparable.

In addition to being significantly more powerful than gas laser cutters, they are also significantly more robust than other laser cutters, with an average lifespan of up to 25,000 hours. Additionally, they don’t need as much maintenance and have cheap replacement parts.

Automatic Cutting Equipment

Contractors frequently employ computer numerical control (CNC) machines, which rely on computer automation, when working on major projects or performing high volume labor. The fact that these cutting-edge tools produce more accurate cuts in less time, saving clients’ time and money, is a significant benefit.

They are excellent for cutting intricate forms or punching holes in metal without additional processing. These machines draw high-end business due to the vast range of difficult cutting applications they can be utilized for.

Machines for cutting with a flame, plasma, laser, and waterjet use CNC technology. Environmentally conscious clients and contractors prefer a CNC laser cutting machine despite its slower speed, lesser efficiency, and higher cost.

But compared to a CNC flame cutting machine, which is more suited for steel and sheet metal, it does offer excellent precision. Due to its great cutting efficiency and speed for a variety of thin and thick metal applications, CNC plasma machines are widely used.

This computer-based procedure is based on pre-programmed software that manages sophisticated tools and equipment, such as routers and lathes. It enables particular dimensional operations and streamlined 3D cutting.

It has the capacity to simultaneously cut in multiple directions. Buttons, levers, and wheels still need to be operated by a person, and the machinery must also be properly maintained. Punch cards are used to feed the computer’s code, which can be saved for later use.

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It depends on a number of things, such as the material, thickness, forms, speed, and precision, to choose the right cutting machine. While there are many different machines available, using a multipurpose cutter that can handle the particular material being cut is a straightforward option.